Smoking Cessation

You’ve heard all the reasons to stop smoking. You may have thought about quitting or even tried it a time or two. But you may need a little help. Learn how to get ready to quit, how to quit, and how to stay quit for a healthier, smoke-free future.

Obesity and Bariatric Surgery

If you’re more than 100 pounds overweight, bariatric surgery may be the solution for you. Use this center to learn about the different types of procedures and the risks and benefits of each.

Older Adults

Although genetics determines how long we will live, it's the lifestyle we choose that will determine how healthy we are as we age.


    Asthma is a disease that affects the lungs. It is the most common long-term disease of children. Test your knowledge of living with asthma with this quiz.

    There isn't much good that can be said about smoking. Now, on a positive note, do you know how much money you can save if you quit smoking today?

    Too much stress can affect both your emotional and physical health. This assessment will help you identify your life "stressors."


      Certain foods can make your blood pressure go too high. Watch and learn how easy it is to have delicious meals without harming your health.